- Description: Serbia, Guca, 10.08.2018. Spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zaharova, visited the 58th Dragacevo Trumpet Chamber where the president of the Parliamentary Committee, Slobodan Jolovic, handed the title of honorary citizen of Guca. Photo E-Stock Portparol ruskog ministarstva spoljnih poslova Marija Zaharova posetila je 58. Dragacevski Sabor trubaca gde joj je predsednik Saborskog odbora Slobodan Jolovic urucio titulu pocasnog gradjanina Guce. Foto E-Stock
- Owner: E-Stock Agency
- Keywords: advent, citizen of guca, desavanje, dogadjaj, domaca muzika, dragacevski sabor trubaca, event, festival, guca, guca trumpet festival, izvodjenje, manifestacija, marija zaharova, moravica district, music, musician, muzika, nenad popovic, obicaj, provod, sabor, sabor trubaca, slobodan jolovic, small town, tradicija, tradicionalna festivalska manifestacija, trubaci, trumpet, trumpet festival
- Title: Marija zaharova in Guca
- ID: 155361
- Pixels: 3456x2304
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