- Description: Beograd, Srbija, 14.05.2019. Promocija nove pesme i najava koncerta Dr Nele Karajlica. foto e-stock Milos Rafailovic Belgrade, Serbia, 14.05.2019. Promotion of the new song and announcement of the concert by Dr Nele Karajlic. Photo e-stock Milos Rafailovic
- Owner: Milos Rafailovic
- Keywords: actor, belgrade, composer, concert, dr nele karajlic, glumac, jankovic, karajlic, kompozitor, koncert, music, musician, musicians, muzicar, muzicari, muzika, nele, nele karajlic, nenad, nenad jankovic, pesma, pisac, rock, rok, rok muzicar, serbia, song, televizijski reziser, writer
- Title: Dr Nele Karajlic, Nenad Jankovic
- ID: 190527
- Pixels: 5760x3840
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